Heather Lee-Singer Songwriter

This Moment of Retreat
Listening to the Birch and the Milkweed

Order Heather's Book: This Moment of Retreat

Other Songwriting
Draw forth new creation

Heather's singing and  songwriting is often the fruit of a deep listening and  integration process from moments of retreat and can be  shared in those settings. Contact Heather to discuss personal or group retreats that include her music.

Heather has written many songs that are not currently recorded but are shared in moments of retreat. She frequently shares  Listen, Stay, Obey   her sung Benedictine rule of life at retreats, and she recently shared her song,  Fall Into My Heart, which was the fruit of a retreat on Spiritual Friendship at an online worship service.

Contact Heather Lee

Telephone: 414-491-0516

E-mail: heather@heatherleeonline.com

To schedule a retreat or learn more about how to engage Heather's songwriting.

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